Entries by ARA

Rugby Players’ Association launches Free Agent List

The Rugby Players Association has announced the launch of the RPA Free Agent List, which informs clubs of player’s availability due to them being out of contract at the end of the season. All RPA members will be able to upload their details and these will be made available through a secure server to numerous […]

Meet the Management Board

Mark Spoors – Chairman – Mark set up Big Red Management in 2003. Having read marketing with law at university Mark spent the first 3 years working for sports management companies IMG & Sports Masters International, before setting up Big Red. Shaun Longstaff is a former Scotland International winger. A distinguished career with a long […]


Benefit in Kind

https://juristas-ruidos.org/ljuasynsr Benefit in Kind is a major issue in our industry today. The liability that players are required to pay Tax on agent’s fees as it can be classed as a benefit in kind is a complex issue. The ARA is working hard with Premiership Rugby and RPA to get a uniformed procedure across all clubs […]

English Championship Clubs Player Dealings

The ARA have been successful in negotiating that Championship Clubs and Premiership clubs in England now fall under the same regulation on player dealings i.e. You can do deals 6 months before the end of the season. This replaces the old 3 month rule for the championship. The ARA is now working on getting this […]

Standard Contracts

The RFU along with the RFU have pushed hard for standard contracts across our industry. At this current time the position of the ARA is against this concept and we are pleased that no standard contract will be insisted upon for the time being. Please note however, all player/agents contracts must comply with RFU Regulation […]
