£1k Fine For Declaration Form Failures

https://sapooni.com/2v8iwrrjjb English clubs and agents have been warned by the ARB that they can expect to be fined £1,000 if agent declaration forms are not signed and submitted by the end of July 2015.


Can You Buy Ambien Online Legally The Agents Review Board (consisting of representatives from RFU, Premiership, Championship, PRA and ARA) agreed that from 1st August 2014 all agent declaration forms linked to player contracts should be signed by all parties i.e. agent, player and club. The initiative was introduced to make dealings more transparent.

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Not all Championship and Premiership clubs have been complying with this directive. A deadline of the 1st August 2015 has been set to ensure all forms due from the 1st August 2014 (that’s all new contracts for last season) are completed and submitted. Failure to do so will result in the standard sanction on failure being applied. This covered in Reg 8.4.4. can be expressed as a fine of up to £1K.

Depending on the circumstances, all, some or one of the three parties can be held responsible for non-compliance.

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When a   Regulation 8.4.4 reads:
               When a player enters into an agreement with a Club (or if centrally
   contracted, with a Home Union) and an Agent has been acting for either the
     Player or the Club/Union, all parties including the Player, the Club and the
Agent must: (a) sign the Statement by the Player’s Agent in the Player’s Club
          agreement and include the Agent’s registration number; or (b) sign the
    separate agent declaration form that accompanies the Player’s agreement.